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Podcast Episode

Episode 026 - Atomic Design and OOUX with Brad Frost

As you probably know, Brad Frost is the author of "Atomic Design," the creator of pattern lab, and a design systems advocate and educator. In this episode of the podcast, Sophia and Brad discuss how technology is like a river, why it's important for everyone on a project to have a shared language, and how design systems are like furniture parts.

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He writes front end code, writes about writing code, and consults to companies looking to create successful, effective design systems.

If you like this conversation, make sure to scroll back and listen to the first three episodes of the podcast. I’ve got some introduction episodes as well as a conversation with Dan Mall, which as you might expect, compliments this episode nicely. As a huge fan of the atomic design philosophy and Brad Frost himself, I am super excited to share this conversation with you!


Follow Brad on Twitter: @brad_frost

Keep up with Brad on his site:

If you haven't read "Atomic Design" yet, what are you doing? Buy it here: Atomic Design

Cohort 6 of the OOUX Certification Program is being pushed to February. If you want to be a part of that cohort I STRONGLY encourage you to get on the waitlist by going to We will only email you when enrollment opens. Promise to respect your inbox.

If you don’t want to wait until Feb, you can get started now by enrolling in the Self-Paced Masterclass which is the exact same content, just without the bells and whistles of the certification. And if you decide you want to upgrade to the certification when enrollment opens, you just pay the difference. See a side by side comparison and

Not convinced? Check out to see what certified strategists say about OOUX and the course.

Episode Transcript

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A dive into the weeds on UX systems, information architecture, human psychology, data wrangling, structured content, UX process, and above all simplifying the complex.

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