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What is OOUX?

Traditionally, digital product teams divvy up complexity by feature, user story, or task flow.
In essence, teams tend to break up complexity by the verbs. Unfortunately, this often leads to cobbled-together, disjointed user experiences.

Object-Oriented UX offers a better way to break up complexity, allowing us to work iteratively and holistically. Instead of slicing up a system by verbs, OOUXers slice by nouns. As it turns out — this is how developers work too — object-orientedly. Leveraging the processes of OOUX, UX teams can collaborate more seamlessly with development teams. 

It's not only developers that are breaking up complex systems by objects. —designers, end-users, and those who painted the caves of Chauvet. So, as we make our user experiences more object-oriented, we also make them more intuitive.

Want to know more? Register for The UX Level-Up! A free training that will get you started on the professional OOUX track!

Want to know more? Get Started here!

Advanced OOUX Strategists define OOUX

To me OOUX is...

OOUX is a methodology that provides a clear plan to tackle complexity in product design and development. It forces designers and their collaborators to catch roadblocks and important details early in the process, such as relationships and conditional logic - insuring well-thought out, scalable results.

To me OOUX is...

OOUX is a philosophy that helps you quickly break down complex topics for people with different perspectives, so they walk away on the same page and with a shared vision.

To me OOUX is...

OOUX is defining and building the digital world in a way that matches how all humans understand and navigate the physical world. Objects first, actions second.

UX Level-Up

20 powerful strategies to elevate your UX/product/content practice IMMEDIATELY. (Like really.) With Sophia Prater, chief evangelist for Object-Oriented UX & creator of the ORCA Process.

Stay up to date on the latest in OOUX news

We are hard at work on new content outlining the steps of the ORCA process (Objects, Relationships, Calls-to-action, and Attributes). This repeatable OOUX design methodology was developed to give design pros like you the "power tools" you need for breaking down complexity reliably and collaboratively.

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Advanced OOUX Strategists define OOUX

To me OOUX is...

OOUX is an game-changing framework that equips us with an actionable way of translating  complexity of any product or domain into something that is easy to understand and navigate

To me OOUX is...
OOUX is a methodology that illuminates and defines the structure of digital objects—the meaningful 'things' at the heart of any application— before introducing layout, UI, or visuals. By tackling complexity and reducing ambiguity early, OOUX Strategists create systems that harmoniously blend structure with design, enabling users to form clear mental models."
To me OOUX is...
OOUX is my essential framework for tackling any design challenge. It’s my structured map that keeps me from facing a blank canvas at the start of the process and gives me a clear foundation. With OOUX, I can efficiently open up and explore the layers of complexity in a project, turning potential "Pandora's boxes" into opportunities for clarity and organization.

Praise for OOUX

Objects first, actions second.

OOUX is defining and building the digital world in a way that matches how all humans understand and navigate the physical world. Objects first, actions second.

Fundamental training for Product Designers

OOUX is fundamental training for Product Designers architecting complex digital spaces suited to user's mental models. Divert those conference dollars wisely and choose to complete an OOUX Certification instead and I guarantee you'll see an improvement in your design process. The versatility of the framework will give you better tools for stakeholder engagement and systematically designing more intuitive digital environments. All that and you will be learning from a very engaged community of experts. I knew I had already received 10x what I paid for within a couple of weeks - and I'm sure you will find that to be the case as well.

An entirely new way to think about my work

The OOUX was not what I expected. The course has been consuming, challenging, and rewarding. The Object-Oriented UX certification is not a boot-camp filled with straightforward questions and answers. When I enrolled in the course, I expected to learn some concepts and philosophies that I would apply to the early stages of my design process. I didn't expect to learn an entirely new way to think about my work. Sophia is patient, fair, knowledgeable, helpful but also will not compromise her standards. This certification is just the beginning. If you are willing to open yourself up to learning new concepts, structures, and how to apply them, this course is for you. It is not easy, but rewarding things rarely are.

Helps break down and communicate complexity

The philosophy has helped me so much! It's helped me break down and communicate complexity and opportunities for improvement. I think it's such a valuable process to go through when working on any new system and can help reconsider structures in current systems. I will continue to use this for my career and life!

Powerful tool to get stakeholders on the same page

As a former small business owner turned UX designer, I was looking for a strategy to get a solid start on each new project. I wanted a framework for understanding the whole system, how all the parts relate, and how it might grow, so I could feel confident I wasn't missing key functionality.

OOUX helps you think through what you need to design before jumping into user flows and screens. By asking "What objects are important here?" and "What can users do with them?" you can build extremely robust contextual navigation. The process is a powerful tool to get stakeholders on the same page and clarify tricky questions up front. Using recognizable and reusable objects across a site or app greatly simplifies the final designs and reduces cognitive load for users. I love OOUX because it's a systematic way to work with stakeholders and create a truly intuitive user experience.

Emphasizes how to design intuitive solutions

My mind has been blown over this course. I have a completely different perspective on digital based design than I did a couple months ago. We interact with digital products everyday and, at least speaking from personal experience, have become complacent when things do not make sense or go as planned. This course has taught me that complacency should not be the standard in digital products! I now experience digital systems from an analytical perspective and think about how things are (or at least should be) interconnected. I would recommend this course to anyone that works in the digital design field. OOUX is a process that can be applied to any digital project and emphasizes how to design intuitive solutions.

A blueprint for understanding

In the tech industry, where one is expected to fill the role of many and everyone is a UX designer, OOUX is your organization’s blueprint for understanding the depth and breadth of your product’s system. The ORCA methodology that Sophia teaches has upgraded my technical writing and product design skills. I use OOUX as a tool to guide the process of creating project requirements, screen mockups, and technical documents.

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