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Marisa Montaldi

UX Strategist & Designer

Certified OOUX Strategist
Advanced OOUX Strategist & Consultant

Cohort 5
Cohort 7 Mentors

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says about OOUX

This is the single strongest ingredient I have encountered in my career.

Finally, a user-centric language for complex systems. As UX practitioners, we often find ourselves accountable for much more than we have influence over. That's not because we're accountable for too much — no — someone must be responsible for the entire, cohesive user experience, and if not us, then who? Rather, it's because our toolkit is woefully under equipped. We're still a young discipline, and while we're trying our best with our wireframes and task flows, entire layers of the final UX are inadvertently determined by buried technical decisions or unrelated business decisions. OOUX closes this gap considerably. Sophia's ORCA process in particular has been relentlessly developed — in the wild! — in a way that encompasses "just enough" technical concepts (reshaped to be user-centric) so that the full user experience can be articulated & collaborated upon across design, development and business in an aligned and approachable user-centric language. This is the single strongest ingredient I have encountered in my career.

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Featured Resources

Marisa's Whimsical ORCA Discovery Template
Marisa's Whimsical ORCA Discovery Template

The ORCA Discovery Template should be available on as many tools as possible. So here's one for Whimsical, courtesy of Certified OOUX Strategist, Marisa M. 🙌

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Object Guide Printable Worksheets
Object Guide Printable Worksheets

A super helpful set of ORCA Object Guide worksheets made by Certified OOUXer Marisa M. 🙌 Download them here, then print them out and use them! She even included a helpful Object Guide key to help you make the most of them.

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Marisa MontaldiMarisa Montaldi

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This rigorous course is for UX designers, developers, and digital product people who are tackling complexity, wrangling stakeholders, and trying to make systems-level change.