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Patrick Cahill

CTO at

Certified OOUX Strategist
Advanced OOUX Strategist & Consultant

EdTech, Marketing Tech

Cohort 10

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says about OOUX

The level of clarity has been game changing

My entry point to OOUX was via a late night google search looking for solutions on defining and organizing the design and requirements for an incredibly complex project in a domain that I am new to. My background is in development but I found myself needing to play the role of a UX designer and was struggling to figure out how concepts should be represented in the UI to our users. That night I was just looking for some help on "How to UX good" what I got was so much more. OOUX empowered me to finally specify what are building and what do we have left to do. Prior to OOUX and ORCA, it felt like each week were discovering some new concept we had to build and it felt like the finish line kept moving further and further. Now I have a clear and organized roadmap, I have the best alignment with my developers I've ever had and the level of clarity has been game changing. OOUX is a requirement for any project I am involved in going forward!

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Patrick CahillPatrick Cahill

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This rigorous course is for UX designers, developers, and digital product people who are tackling complexity, wrangling stakeholders, and trying to make systems-level change.