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Yavor Stoilov

Product Designer

Certified OOUX Strategist
Advanced OOUX Strategist & Consultant

UX, UI, Product Design, Design Thinking, Motion

Advanced OOUX Strategist & Consultant 2024
Cohort 8
Cohort 9 Mentors

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Yavor was amazing and so supportive. I really appreciated his comments on my assignments that helped me think (and rethink) my work. Yavor's suggestive, but not *demanding* style of mentoring also really helped me relax and continue through the steps without feeling like I HAD to correct anything before proceeding. As a recovering perfectionist, I appreciated it so much :)Sometimes (okay, most of the time) it's better for me to learn from my mistakes than be told something has to happen a certain way - Yavor did well with this by providing the hints or suggestions, and providing me the space to be like, "OH DUH, YOU'RE RIGHT", as I completed an assignment or two down the line, and saw exactly what he had mentioned.

Super Helpful

Yavor was super helpful. He always gave timely, constructive feedback, helped make sense of things and exploring different routes of thinking.

Thoughtful and insightful and

Yavor was great. He's super supportive and takes his mentoring gig seriously. He made himself really accessible, always read my posts, and answered my many confused and confusing questions. Beyond that, he seems to have a really firm and deep grasp of OOUX. I feel like his input was always very thoughtful and insightful and helped me improve my models.

I highly recommend putting Yavor on your toughest design challenges

Yavor graduated at the top of his class in my Object-Oriented UX Certification Program — the toughest concepts and methodologies for tackling complexity seemed to come so easy for him! I did not hesitate to recruit him as a mentor for the next cohort and I am so glad I did! Yavor is an incredibly talented UX designer, ready to tackle just about any level of complexity. I highly recommend putting Yavor on your toughest design challenges — give him space to use OOUX — and watch the magic happen.

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Designer with strong interest in User Experience and cognitive approaches in user interfaces.




Designer with strong interest in User Experience and cognitive approaches in user interfaces.



says about OOUX

ORCA became a more flexible tool in my hands

The Advanced OOUX Certification took me quite by surprise. I had (very) recently graduated as a certified OOUX Strategist, and decided to keep the momentum going. What I did not expect is that mentoring a pod would have such a profound impact on my understanding of the ORCA process. It made me much more conscious of how I would communicate OOUX decision-making not only to my mentees but also to clients, teammates and stakeholders. Paired with the wonderful mentoring experience, with Sophia's collaborative lectures, I gained deeper insights of every step of the process, making me more confident in adjusting my approach to different contexts and scenarios. ORCA became a more flexible tool in my hands.

This program is for people who want to lead an OOUX revolution in their organisations.

Sophia's program gave me the keys to a structured approach

Working as a compact team in fast paced agency environment, things can get quite messy early on. Many times I have found myself in the middle of the design diamond right between an extensive research phase and the need to start defining some Information Architecture. I don't know for you, but this was rarely a "hit the ground running situation." Sophia's program gave me the keys to a process that turned this limbo into a structured approach which pays dividends in the long run.

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Yavor StoilovYavor Stoilov

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This rigorous course is for UX designers, developers, and digital product people who are tackling complexity, wrangling stakeholders, and trying to make systems-level change.