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Sondra Eby Eisenstat is a Certified OOUX Strategist and UX Designer at web development agency Oddbird. Miriam Suzanne is a self-described software engineer and artist. She is co-founder at Oddbird, as well as an Invited Expert with the W3C (The World Wide Web Consortium) CSS Working Group where she works with other experts in the field to develop open standards that ensure the long-term growth of the Web.
Follow Miriam on Twitter: @TerribleMia Check out Miriam on Github: mirisuzanne And on Stack Overflow: Miriam Suzanne Also check out her Codepen Showcase: MiriamSuzanne
Follow Sondra on Twitter: @sondraeby Also follow Sondra on Dribbble: Sondraeby
If you haven't already, join the waitlist for Cohort 6 of the Certified OOUX Strategist Program, kicking off January 2022!