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Event Recording

OOUX Happy Hour: Quantum Content

In this presentation, you will: Learn the three basic needs that humans have in any place: orientation, consistency, and organization. See a lot of examples that illustrate these needs in various places. Learn about content superposition.

Image Credit:
Luke Prater

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Imagine "to run." You probably see in your mind yourself running, or an athlete crossing the finish line, or a cheetah chasing a gazelle.

We need an object to show an action.

Our perception of the world is built on objects that we can interact with—touch, see, export, etc. These objects have properties—large, blue, nice. We are so object-oriented, that we objectify even abstract notions! "Liberty" is a woman waving a flag or holding a torch. "Democracy" can be "built" or "destroyed"—just like a bridge or a building.

Our language is object-oriented, so it's no surprise that we have object-oriented programming, object-oriented analysis and design, Object-Oriented UX, and object-oriented content.

Now, let's talk about object-oriented DOCUMENTATION!

Senior User Assistance Developer at SAP and Certified OOUX Strategist
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Dimiter (Jimmy) Simov
Usability expert at SAP Labs Bulgaria
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Episode Transcript

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A dive into the weeds on UX systems, information architecture, human psychology, data wrangling, structured content, UX process, and above all simplifying the complex.

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