💙💛❤️💚 ➡ 🤖 How can OOUX help you design and build better AI? We will go over 3 ways you can use OOUX to enhance your AI designer skill set.
- Planning your Knowledge Base: An OOUXy Content Audit and Maintenance Plan
- OOUXing Structured Content for Training your Agent
- OOUXing User Inputs and Agent Outputs — the new paradigm of UI
🤖 ➡ 💙💛❤️💚 And, on the flip-side, how can you use AI agents to enhance and speed up your OOUX work? We will go beyond the obvious with 3 ways you can use AI to supercharge the ORCA process:
- The best prompts for using ChatGPT for OOUXy research
- My favorite AI agents to plug into your process, like genius interns
- Zoe, the OOUX Bot who can answer all of your questions 24/7.
I don't plan to present any slides, bullet points, or theory. I will be showing you exactly what I am doing — the tools I am using, the experiments I am running. We'll be looking at my Whimsical boards, my Notion databases, and the back-end of my new OOUX Bots.