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Event Recording

OOUX Happy Hour: OOUX Deep Dive: Unlocking the Permissions Problem

If you want to take a deep dive into the OOUX process, Amy White will show us how to use the ORCA method to think through privacy and permissions across an entire application - before designing any screens.

Image Credit:
Luke Prater

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Raise your hand if figuring out permissions within your product or service is driving you crazy!

You'll learn:
💪 How to use object mapping to track which user roles can see, create, edit, or delete every attribute in a complex system.
🤯 Different kinds of permissions needed in an application.
😱How object type, state, status, and stage can affect permissions.

We’ll be getting way down into the details, but you don’t have to be an OOUX master to enjoy this talk! There’s something for everyone here. We’re exploring uncharted territory, so bring your curiosity and be ready for a good discussion.

(( Beginners! We recommend you bone-up on OOUX Basics by taking in the first two episodes of the Object-Oriented UX Podcast. ))

Amy White is a UX Designer and a Certified OOUX Strategist who loves helping people understand things. She's been an educator, writer, engineer, and small business owner. Her superpowers are translating complex concepts into plain language and organizing information in ways people can relate to. You can learn more about Amy here:

Episode Transcript

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A dive into the weeds on UX systems, information architecture, human psychology, data wrangling, structured content, UX process, and above all simplifying the complex.

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