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Need to catch up on the rest of The ORCA Series? Check out those episodes here.
Read: Wrangling Complexity with Tree Systems
Level up your career with OOUX by enrolling in The Self-Paced OOUX Masterclass
Sophia delivers episode #6 in the ORCA Series: Relationship Requirements. Sophia expands on "My Cat Saving Fire Department," the power tool for analyzing object relationships. Using the example of Santa delivering presents, she illustrates how to apply this tool to understand relationships between objects, plus a rule of thumb for recognizing tree systems!
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Need to catch up on the rest of The ORCA Series? Check out those episodes here.
Read: Wrangling Complexity with Tree Systems
Level up your career with OOUX by enrolling in The Self-Paced OOUX Masterclass
A dive into the weeds on UX systems, information architecture, human psychology, data wrangling, structured content, UX process, and above all simplifying the complex.
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In this fifth installment of the ORCA Series, Sophia discusses Object Requirements, how to skip ORCA steps & loop back to them as needed, as well as ways to customize the ORCA sprint, plus the potential use of artificial intelligence in generating object guides.
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Learn to recognize and leverage this ubiquitous hierarchy pattern that you've probably never heard of.
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Join Sophia for this epic new training that distills 10+ years of teaching and refining OOUX and the ORCA Process into the top 20 most potent strategies that you can implement immediately. Get instant upgrades in five key areas of UX mastery: 🧠 complexity processing, 💣 bomb defusing, ☠️ X-ray UX, 🫶 creating our own damn table, and 📜 ancient truths of intuitive design. Totally FREE.
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Sophia was interviewed on the UI Breakfast Podcast. How can object-oriented UX help designers solve complex product problems? You’ll learn why object-oriented thinking is well-suited for design processes, how a shared vocabulary enables collaboration, practical mapping tips, and more.
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