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Podcast Episode

044 - Implementing OOUX at IKEA with Kamil van Buuren

Kamil Van Buuren is a Digital Experience Design Team Leader at IKEA, With a focus on IKEA's co-worker & employee experiences. In this episode of the podcast, Sophia & Kamil discuss when to give your team a heavy versus a light dose of OOUX, using OOUX to quickly gain domain knowledge at a new job, plus how to more efficiently divide & conquer on a complicated project.

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A dive into the weeds on UX systems, information architecture, human psychology, data wrangling, structured content, UX process, and above all simplifying the complex.

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042 - OOUX at Trello with Caitlin Steele & Liam Greig
Caitlin Steele, Liam Greig

Caitlin Steele is the Experience Design Manager at Jira & Liam Greig is Head of Design at Confluence, both previously were at Trello. In this episode of the podcast, Sophia, Liam, & Caitlin discuss the aftermath of an OOUX Design Sprint at Trello, how maybe OOUX isn't for everyone, & strategies for bringing OOUX to a big organization.

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043 - Facilitating ORCA Sprints with Allie Ofisher
043 - Facilitating ORCA Sprints with Allie Ofisher
Allie Ofisher

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The UX Level-Up: 20 Strategies to Elevate your UX Practice
Sophia V. Prater

Join Sophia for this epic new training that distills 10+ years of teaching and refining OOUX and the ORCA Process into the top 20 most potent strategies that you can implement immediately. Get instant upgrades in five key areas of UX mastery: 🧠 complexity processing, 💣 bomb defusing, ☠️ X-ray UX, 🫶 creating our own damn table, and 📜 ancient truths of intuitive design. Totally FREE.

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UI Breakfast Podcast. Episode 229: Object-Oriented UX with Sophia Prater
UI Breakfast Podcast. Episode 229: Object-Oriented UX with Sophia Prater
Sophia V. Prater

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