Paying in installments results in a few more credit card fees. To cover those fees, your total will be $1017. (Paying in installments adds $20 to the cost of the course.)
You'll get immediate access to all course materials after your first payment.
Master Object-Oriented UX on your own terms, at your own pace with this rigorous, 22+ hour, self-directed course designed and delivered by Sophia Prater. Your payments will be deducted automatically over the course of the next three months.
Master Object-Oriented UX on your own terms, at your own pace with this rigorous, 22+ hour, self-directed course designed and delivered by Sophia Prater. Your payments will be deducted automatically over the course of the next four months.
Money-Back Promise: Please watch the first three modules before asking for a refund! If you get that far and you are not feeling OOUX or you are disappointed with what you are getting out of the course, just let us know. We only ask that you provide feedback to help us understand what was missing. By the way, this money-back guarantee has NEVER been leveraged by a student. We are confident you'll become an OOUXer for life!.